
Showing posts with the label natural luster

For a natural luster, you must do these of your wigs

We always desire a natural luster of the wig but have no idea how to do it. The wigs have pretty looking when you received them for the first time, but show a frizz and are messy for several days, how can you do this? Look at these steps whether you have done it rightly.   Washing: Regularly washing is the key factor of clean the dirty and keep looking at wigs. Washing your wigs after about 8 years. Before washing, comb the wig by using special wide-tooth combs, which will avoid hair loss and reduce the knots of wigs. Washing products should in mild or specially designed for wigs. The washing water temperature of around 25 is better. The hot water temperature may damage the hair fiber or protein. After washing, use the towel to pat, not rub friction or twist. Less excess water, wait for it to air dry. It is to note that a gentle treat to your wigs.   Hair care: Applying conditioners and hairspray special for a wig to keep the luster of wigs. Avoid high temperatures in your wigs even i